Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fort Worth

A couple days ago my family went to Fort Worth. We went to Fort Worth becuase my dad made a new thing on the computer called a PTA and CTA , so he went there to sell it so my mom went too, so we wanted to go with them. While we were there everyone but my dad went to the zoo. At the zoo we saw about 20 types of gorillas. The zoo had about 8 acres of animals like elephants and more. It was very fun.
--Darin T.

Harry Potter

Today I started on the third Harry Potter book. The first chapter was about the owl post. A owl post is a post where owl send letters. The second chapter was about Aunt Marge visiting them. While she was visiting Harry blew her up. The third chapter was about the Knight bus. The Knight bus only comes at night. The fourth chapter was about the Leaky Cauldron. In the Leaky Cauldron Harry met Ron in the Leaky Cauldron.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Two days ago

Have you ever felt like going out into nature? Well, here is a paragarph abuot that. Two days ago I slept in my tree house with my cousins. We brought a backpack of snacks outside. We brought crackers and water outside. We told stories and have a good time. Then, we snuggle up and went to sleep. The next, morning I woke up and got into the car. We drove to someone's home to help them move in but, they already moved in.
On Friday I went to Austin Park N Pizza with my brother, and my cousnis. We played the arcade, and water bouts, and bumper cars. I got a army of army guys, and a slinky, and a rist band. I played Jurassic park with a boy. I played deal or no deal and I won a lot of tickets. On bumper cars me and my grandpa were in 4th place. We had pizza for lunch.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fun stuff

Today I played on a PS2 my mom got yesterday. I read the second Harry Potter book. It was about Harry and Ron flying a car in the air. After a long time, the car died down. It landed on a Willow Whisp. A Willow Whisp is a tree that can move. Then the car jerked back. There was a dent in the window shield. Then the doors opened leaving Harry and Ron on the ground.
--Darin T.

Fun stuff this year

My cousins came here on Sunday. Yesterday we went to a splash park. Today is my Grandma's birthday . We are going swiming today.We got our Grandma a gift card and a swiming suit. I caned 103 cans. My dad went to North Carolina.
--Nathan T.